Monday, May 17, 2010

Eating Disorder Treatment Made Easier

Eating disorders are on the rise and have actually grown to epidemic proportions. Treatment has not been successful in keeping up with the illness and as a result a good portion of the people that have an active eating disorder will die from it. Yes, the symptoms of the illness must be addressed but it is so much more than that, the underlying issues need to be taken care of for any treatment to work successfully. This is going to be challenging because you are now going to learn how to cope with life while not relying on food and manipulating your weight as a way of dealing with problems. You will learn new coping skills. As part of our Eating Disorder Treatment we have developed a state of the art program that is working by encompassing all of the essential components that are part of successful treating of eating disorders. This is why we want to help you return to a normal life.

(More information about eating disorders and their treatment at Cliffside Malibu)

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